Housing Procedures

Living on-campus can be a new experience for many students. In addition to abiding by the Residential Policies, there are a number of procedures and expectations for residential retrievers.

Eligibility & Application

To be eligible for on-campus housing, a student must be admitted and enrolled as a full-time (registered for twelve credits per semester for undergraduates or nine credits for graduate students) undergraduate, graduate, or special student at the University. Exceptions to the full-time enrollment requirement are made for the following groups:

  • Students registered to graduate that do not need full-time status to meet graduation requirements, will automatically be granted an exception to remain in housing at part-time status for the semester. They do not need to contact Residential Life; instead they should be sure to complete the Graduation Application (https://registrar.umbc.edu/preparing-for-graduation/) by the expressed deadline.
  • Students with an approved accommodation from Student Disability Student to carry less than full-time credits will be granted an exception to remain in housing at part-time status, once we receive a copy of their accommodation letter. They do not need to contact Residential Life but should work directly with SDS.

Students must fulfill mandatory immunization and vaccination requirements, as outlined by University Health Services and UMBC.

To be eligible to live in an a Residential Life apartment, the student must have completed at least fifty (50) credits or lived on campus for two prior semesters.

To be eligible to live in Harbor Hall, the student must have completed at least thirty (30) credits, lived on campus for two prior semesters, or be an approved participant in a living learning program.

To be eligible to live in an a Walker Avenue apartment, the student must have completed at least thirty-nine (39) credits. It is important to note, that Walker Avenue Apartments is a facility owned and controlled by the Maryland Economic Development Corporation (MEDCO).  Capstone On-Campus Management is agent to MEDCO in the operation of Walker Avenue Apartments.  Walker Avenue Apartments is considered university-affiliated housing, since it is located on the campus of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) and operates with the oversight of UMBC; however, Walker Avenue Apartments IS NOT owned by UMBC.

Maryland state law requires that students residing in University housing be vaccinated against meningitis.

Meningococcal disease refers to any illness caused by bacteria called Neisseria meningitidis. These illnesses are often severe, can be deadly, and include infections of the lining of the brain and spinal cord (meningitis) and bloodstream. Keeping up to date with recommended vaccines is the best protection against meningococcal disease. Vaccination can be obtained at one’s primary care provider, many pharmacies, urgent care centers, health department clinics and Retriever Integrated Health. Check your insurance coverage to minimize potential out-of-pocket costs.

A resident may elect to waive this requirement if the resident (and parent/guardian if Resident is under 18 years of age) receives detailed information on the risks associated with meningitis and the availability and effectiveness of any vaccine; and, the resident (and parent/guardian, if Resident is under 18 years of age) signs a waiver stating that Resident (and parent/guardian, if Resident is under 18 years of age) has received and reviewed information provided and has elected not to receive the meningitis vaccine.

At UMBC, two student housing options are available, one is to live on-campus in UMBC-owned residence halls/apartments and the other is to live on-campus in Walker Avenue Apartments owned by MEDCO.

The information below, which students and their families should know when applying for housing, identifies key distinctions between UMBC-owned residence halls/apartments and MEDCO’s Walker Avenue Apartments.

On-campus residence halls/apartments, listed below, at UMBC are owned by UMBC and operated by the UMBC’s Residential Life department.

MEDCO’s Walker Avenue Apartments are owned and operated by MEDCO and not owned or operated by UMBC.  The license for a Walker Avenue Apartment required before a student licensee takes possession of a unit in a MEDCO’s Walker Avenue Apartments is an agreement between MEDCO and the student licensee and not between the student and UMBC.

If the student licensee voluntarily or involuntarily vacates MEDCO’s Walker Avenue Apartments, the student licensee is liable for the total License fees as defined in the License.



Residences that UMBC students may occupy

Owner of Residence (MEDCO or UMBC)

Walker Avenue Apartments


West Hill Apartments: Choptank, Chester, Magothy, Tangier, Wye


Terrace Apartments: Antietam, Chincoteague, Gunpowder, Monocacy, Nanicoke, Sassafrass, Tuckahoe,


Hillside Apartments: Breton, Casselman, Deep Creek, Elk, Manokin, Pocomoke, Patuxent, Sideling, Wicomico


Erickson Hall


Harbor Hall


Patapsco Hall


Potomac Hall


Susquehanna Hall


Chesapeake Hall



Key Provisions

MEDCO’s Walker Avenue Apartments: Housing License Provisions

UMBC’s Residence Halls/Apartments: Housing License Provisions

Termination by student

Steps for a student licensee to cancel their license prior to taking occupancy are found in Section 17 of MEDCO’S license. Cancellation fees may apply as stated in Section 17.  Steps for a student licensee to petition for cancellation after the start date are found in Section 18 of MEDCO’s license, “License Release Granted by Agent After Start Date.” Applicable cancellation fees are also found in Section 18.

Cancellation information for the Residential Life Academic Year Housing License (the “License”) is found in the sections titled “License Cancellation by Resident” (Section 15 of the License), or “License Cancellation by Resident Entering for Spring Semester Only” (Section 16 of the License).

Termination by MEDCO or UMBC

Agent’s termination provisions in MEDCO’s license are found in Section 11 of MEDCO’S license titled “Failure to Occupy,” Section 12 of MEDCO’S license titled “Assignment of Space/Subletting/Relocation,” Section 13 of MEDCO’S license titled “Indebtedness,” Section 19 of MEDCO’S license titled “License Termination by Agent,” Section 28 of MEDCO’S license titled “Force Majeure,” Section 30 of MEDCO’S license titled “Termination Due to Health Emergency,” as well as in the License Fee Collection Policy, and the Licensee Obligations Relating to Covid-19 (Section 5 of MEDCO’S license).

UMBC’s right to terminate the  License is provided for in the sections titled “License Release Granted by UMBC” (Section 17 of the License), and “License Termination by UMBC” (Section 18 of the License).

Force Majeure – (Certain events which excuses a party’s performance under an agreement.)

MEDCO’s Force Majeure is found in the section titled “Force Majeure” (Section 28 of MEDCO’s license) “If the Owner/Agent and/or University’s performance hereunder is materially hampered, interrupted, rendered impossible, hazardous, or is otherwise prevented, impaired, or delayed due to sickness, inability to perform, accident, interruption or failure of means of transportation, Act(s) of God, riot, strike, labor difficulty, lockout, war (including civil war), embargo, epidemic, pandemic, evacuation, fire, flood, explosion, earthquake, quarantine restriction, any act or order of any civil or military authority, acts of any government, acts of governing authority, administrative or judicial regulations, order or decree by any local or national emergency, and/or any other cause or event, similar or dissimilar, beyond the Agent’s control, then the Owner/Agent shall be excused from performance of this License and will not have any liability in connection therewith. The parties acknowledge and agree that, while the COVID-19 response and evolution of impact(s) is current and ongoing, COVID-19 is a Force Majeure event, as defined above, and, with the knowledge that COVID-19 will continue to be a Force Majeure event for purposes of this License, notwithstanding, the parties wish to enter into this License with full knowledge and agreement that this License may be cancelled, terminated, or suspended  by the Agent under the Force Majeure paragraph above. Each party agrees that neither the Agent or its assigns, University, nor Owner shall be responsible for any damages sustained by the Licensee.”

UMBC’s Force Majeure is found in the section titled “Force Majeure” (Section 25 of the License) “If the University’s performance hereunder is rendered impossible, hazardous, or is otherwise prevented, hampered, interrupted, impaired, or delayed due to sickness, inability to perform, accident, interruption or failure of means of transportation, Act(s) of God, riot, strike, labor difficulty, war (including civil war), embargo, epidemic, pandemic, evacuation, fire, flood, explosion, earthquake, quarantine restriction, any act or order of any civil or military authority, acts of any government, acts of governing authority, and/or any other cause or event, similar or dissimilar, beyond the University’s control, then the University shall be excused from performance of this License and will not have any liability in connection therewith. The parties acknowledge and agree that they are entering into this License at a time when COVID-19 has already disrupted and caused the termination or cancellation of preceding housing licenses. The parties also acknowledge and agree that, while the COVID-19 response and evolution of impact(s) is current and ongoing, COVID-19 is a Force Majeure event, as defined above, and, with the knowledge that COVID-19 will continue to be a Force Majeure event for purposes of this License, notwithstanding, the parties wish to enter into this License with full knowledge and agreement that this License may be cancelled, terminated, altered, or suspended under the Force Majeure paragraph above. Each party agrees that the University shall not be responsible for any damages sustained by the Resident.”


MEDCO as “Owner”

Eligible Student Applicant as “Licensee”

Although not a party to the License, Capstone On-Campus Management, L.L.C. is MEDCO’s property manager and referred to in the License as “Capstone” or “Agent.”

UMBC’s Residential Life department enacts and enforces the terms and conditions of the Residential Life Academic Year Housing License.

Students of UMBC become Residents after “Execution of the License” (Section 12 of the License).

Start and End Dates

MEDCO’s License start and end dates are based on the “Term” selected by the Licensee:

  • The Annual License Term begins June 1, 2023 and ends May 22, 2024.
  • The Academic Term begins August 28, 2023, and ends May 22, 2024.

License “Terms” can be found in Section 3 of MEDCO’s license, titled “Term.”

UMBC’s License “Term” (Section 3 of the License) is for the entire 2023-2024Academic Year (“AY”) defined as beginning with the start of the Fall 2023 Semester (August 28, 2023), or upon Occupancy whichever occurs first, through the end of the Spring 2024 Semester (May 22, 2024). Exceptions to the length of the Term may be made for University approved December graduates and University approved Spring Semester study abroad participants.

Students must complete a housing application to be considered for on-campus housing. All active applications are available via the housing portal.

Priority Application & Guaranteed Housing Offers

Current residents and newly admitted undergraduate students who submit their housing application by the established priority deadlines are guaranteed a housing offer for the upcoming term.

General Application (Waitlist)

Newly admitted graduate students, commuters, and/or students who miss the priority deadline should submit a General Housing Application. Once submitted, they will be added to a housing waitlist. Waitlist offers will be made throughout the summer and into the academic year, as space permits.

Each year students must submit a $200 housing reservation fee as an indication of their commitment to live on campus before they can be assigned. The housing reservation is applied as a credit to the student’s first housing bill. The housing reservation fee is mandatory. Students with significant financial need are welcome to contact Residential Life.

Students complete a housing license in order to be assigned to housing. The term of the license is for the entire academic year, defined as beginning with the start of the fall semester, or upon occupancy whichever occurs first, through the end of the spring Semester.

Cancellation & Termination

Students may cancel their housing license prior to taking occupancy or the start of the license term, whichever comes sooner, by completing the Cancellation Request form on the Housing Portal.

Fall 2024 Cancellation Fee Schedule for Academic Year Residents
A cancellation fee will be applied based on the timing of the request. Please see the cancellation fee schedule below:

  • Prior to May 31 – $200 Cancellation Fee
  • June 1 to June 30 – $400 Cancellation Fee
  • July 1 to July 31 – $500 Cancellation Fee
  • August 1 to August 25 – $600 Cancellation Fee
  • Occupancy or August 26, 2024, whichever comes first- $700 Cancellation Fee

Spring 2025 Cancellation Fee Schedule for Spring Only Residents
A cancellation fee will be applied based on the timing of the request. Please see the cancellation fee schedule below:

  • Prior to December 31- $200 Cancellation Fee
  • January 1 to January 25 – $400 Cancellation Fee
  • Occupancy or January 26, 2025, whichever comes first- $700 cancellation fee

Cancellation Fees cannot be appealed. Residents assessed a fee are responsible for making payment.

UMBC may release a resident from their license under limited circumstances upon receipt of a written petition requesting such extraordinary action accompanied by appropriate documentation.  

License releases are extraordinary, not automatic, and will be reviewed, with appropriate supporting documentation, if satisfying one of the following circumstances:

  • separation (e.g., transferring or withdrawing) from the University,
  • participation in an authorized University program, which makes it mandatory for the Resident to be away from the campus greater than 50 miles from UMBC’s campus (e.g. student teaching or cooperative education),
  • called to active military duty,
  • marriage, or
  • an exceptional circumstance rendering the License an undue hardship or impossibility of use and occupation

To seek consideration for a release, the student must complete the Petition Request form on the Housing Portal. As part of the form students will be required to provide supporting documentation which must meet the following criteria:

  • Third-party documentation is required as part of the petition process. Statements and letters from family/friends will not be considered as third-party documentation.
  • Documentation should be produced on letterhead and include the name and contact information for the agency/department that issued the documentation.
  • The documentation must include the date in which the change in circumstances took place. Changes that took place prior to the start of the license term (Occupancy) may not be considered for petition (see Cancellation).

Review, for approval or denial, of the License Release Petition will be conducted by the petition review committee. Submission of a form does not guarantee approval/release from the housing license.

A denial of the license release petition will cause the resident to continue to be obligated to the license terms and conditions, including financial responsibility, for the term of the license.

An approval of the License Release Petition will include an effective date. License releases will also include cancellation of the meal plan unless resident opts to maintain a meal plan with Food Services. Students granted an appeal may be subject to cancellation fees and prorated charges, as outlined in the housing license.

If a housing license is terminated by UMBC, the resident will have 48 hours to vacate their assignment, unless indicated otherwise. Notification will be provided in writing via the students UMBC email.

The resident will remain financially responsible for the costs of the License for the remainder of the current Fall or Spring Semester, receiving no refund for housing or meal charges and will incur a $700 License Termination Fee if the termination is in the Fall Semester.

Termination Fees cannot be appealed. Residents assessed a fee are responsible for making payment.

Common reasons for termination include, but are not limited to:

  • Academic withdrawal or non-enrollment
  • Financial termination of Spring housing due to Fall semester non-payment
  • Financial termination of Fall housing due to Spring semester non-payment
  • Disciplinary action and/or sanction.

Room Assignments & Changes

Once the License and Reservation Fee are received, the student can be assigned to housing. Housing Assignments are made utilizing the student’s housing application preferences and eligibility criteria.  While we try to honor students preference we cannot guarantee that a student will be assigned to a specific building or room. Within our co-ed communities, students are assigned to rooms, suites and/or apartments with roommates of the same biological sex, unless the student has expressed interest in Gender Inclusive Housing.

  • Incoming first-year, transfer, and wait list students are assigned to housing by Residential Life staff.
  • Students that apply for and are selected to live in a Living-Learning Community (LLC) are assigned by the LLC Coordinator.
  • Current residents who participate in Housing Selection get to select their specific building and room from the available inventory.

Housing assignments are communicated to students via their UMBC email account.

  • Fall residents should expect to receive their assignment in mid-July.
  • Spring only residents should expect to receive their assignment information in mid-January.

During the first two (2) weeks of each semester and during the exam period, room changes are not permitted. Room freezes allow Residential Life to “take attendance,” move any students out of their temporary assignments, and place students on the waitlist. Room assignments also are frozen toward the end of each semester to allow Residential Life staff to prepare for any upcoming transitions.

Students who live in a room with a vacancy should be aware that an assignment to the vacant space may be made at any time during the academic year. Such an assignment does not need the agreement of the current resident. Students living in a room with a vacancy should only occupy/use one (1) set of furniture.

Every room change must be approved in advance and in writing by Residential Life. If a resident moves to a different room or apartment without the prior written approval of Residential Life, the resident will be assessed a $150 improper room change charge and be expected to return to their original room assignment.

Residential Life reserves the right to change a room assignment at any point during the academic year when that change is deemed to be in the best interest of the University or the residents concerned.

Room Swaps

Students interested in making a mutual swap or relocating to a room with a known vacancy should submit the Room Change Request Form in the Housing Portal.  Once Residential Life receives the requests from all parties involved in the swap, they will review and send the students updated room assignment and room change instructions to their UMBC email.

Pre-Move-In Room Change Requests

Residents seeking a room assignment change for the upcoming academic year may submit an RT Ticket to indicate their desire to change rooms.  Students should indicate the reason for their room change request.

Residential Life will make note of the request and will reach out to the student during the summer if we are able to support their request prior to their scheduled move-in. It should be noted that Residential Life cannot guarantee that requests for room assignment changes will be honored.

Mid-Semester Room Change Requests

Residents experiencing a roommate conflict and those seeking a room change during the semester are encouraged to first seek assistance from their RA or Community Director before a room change will be considered.

Residents are welcome to complete the Room Change Request Form in the Housing Portal if they are interested in changing rooms mid-semester and are not aware of a particular room with a vacancy.

Please note that residents who complete the request form and have not met with their Community Director, will be required to meet with them first. If the Community Director determines that a room change is appropriate, they will provide you with options and next steps based on the availability of space. When possible, a new housing assignment will be made to an existing vacancy.If the Community Director determines that a room change is appropriate, they will provide you with options and next steps based on the availability of space. When possible, a new housing assignment will be made to an existing vacancy.

Room changes are typically scheduled to take place over the weekend between noon on Friday and 10 p.m. on Sunday. Students approved for a room change will receive written confirmation and instructions for changing rooms.

End of Fall Semester Room Change Requests (ESRC)

Residents looking to change rooms for the Spring Semester, should complete the Room Change Request Form in the Housing Portal during the month of November.

There is a firm deadline of November 30 at 11:59PM to submit the ESRC application.  Late applications will not be considered.

Submission of an ESRC application does not guarantee approval. Priority for ESRC approval is as follows: students with an accommodation approval from Student Disability Services, and students approved for an administrative move by Residential Life.

Opening & Closing Procedures

Students are permitted to move in at least one (1) day prior to the start of the academic semester.

When a student moves into a new room or community, they should formally check in at their community desk or with their community director. Resident students will be issued campus ID card access to their bedroom once they check in at the desk.

Once they move-in to their space they should notify their RA of any pre-existing damages or issues in their bedroom. The RA will either instruct them to complete a Room Condition Report with their roommate(s) or update the existing Room Condition Report.

Review our Move-In page for more information about the current year’s opening process.

Residents are expected to check out of their room 24-hours after their last academic commitment or by the established community/hall closing deadline, whichever comes sooner. Students must formally checkout of their space by either scheduling a check-out time with their RA or by completing an Express Checkout.

  • Express Checkout: This is the fastest and easiest way to check out of a room. Residents should bring their UMBC ID card to their community desk to be deactivated after all of their personal items are removed from their room. They will be asked to complete an  a Checkout Receipt on the Housing Portal. Residential Life will inspect their room at a later time for potential damages and/or cleaning charges.
  • Traditional Checkout with an RA: This option is for residents who would prefer to be present while a RA completes the checkout inspection and/or who know they have caused damage to their room. RAs conducting checkouts will inform residents of potential cleaning or damage charges at the appointment.  After their room is inspected, residents should bring their UMBC ID card to their community desk to be deactivated after all of their personal items are removed from their room. They will be asked to complete an  a Checkout Receipt on the Housing Portal. Students interested in formally checking out with an RA should schedule an appointment with a staff member 48 hours before departing.

Prior to checking out, residents should:

  • Remove all personal items from their bedroom and common areas.
  • Remove and dispose of all trash in a trash room or a dumpster.
  • Return University-provided furniture to its original location.
  • Turn off water.
  • Turn off lights and bathroom exhaust fans.
  • Close and lock all windows and doors.
  • Close blinds.

Students who fail to formally checkout with a staff member and/or fail to submit a checkout receipt may be assessed an improper checkout fee.

Review our Move-Out page for more information about the current year’s opening process.

Students living in 8-month communities (Chesapeake, Erickson, Patapsco, Susquehanna, Harbor East Wing, and Harbor 2nd-5th Floors North) are expected to leave during fall (Thanksgiving), winter, and spring breaks and should complete the following checklist before departing for break to help ensure the overall health and safety of their room and personal belongings.

While Potomac and Harbor Halls’ 9-month rooms and apartments do not close for break, students who choose to leave must review this checklist:

  • Clean their bathroom and personal spaces well. To avoid a stuffy bathroom, leave the bathroom door open. Make sure it’s okay with suitemates before leaving the bathroom door(s) unlocked.
  • Remove and dispose of all trash in a trash room or a dumpster.
  • Set the heat between 68-72 degrees.
  • Unplug all appliances and extension cords from the wall. Microfridges and fish tanks may remain plugged in at fall and spring break only. If approved appliances are left plugged in, make sure the electrical connections are safe: not running under rugs, hanging loosely out of the wall, or plugged into a thin extension cord.
  • Feed fish and water plants; please remove fish and/or plants during winter break.
  • Take valuables home including medicine, passports, pet fish, and any other items you will need over break. Communities will be inaccessible during break.
  • Turn off water. Make sure faucets are not dripping.
  • Turn off lights and bathroom exhaust fans.
  • Close and lock all windows and doors.
  • Close blinds on ground floor rooms; leave blinds up on all other floors.
  • Clean your refrigerator and dispose of perishable items. Defrost and prop microfridge doors open during winter break.
  • Report facilities concerns to FXIT.

Residential Life Staff will conduct health and safety Inspections in 8-month communities at closing.

Review our Break Closing page for more information about the current year’s opening process.

If a resident’s permanent address is more than 50 miles from UMBC and they are graduating, have a late exam ending after the halls close, or are volunteering at commencement they may request to apply for late stay in advance of the halls closing. Residents should contact Residential Life to be issued the late stay application. Applications are typically due a week before the halls are scheduled to close.

If approved for late stay, the resident is expected to depart by 10 a.m. the day after the communities officially close.

Facilities, Maintenance, and Safety

The “FXIT” line is the service you contact to get a maintenance concern in your room or apartment fixed.

  • For a non-emergency during office hours submit a work order request at http://fxit.umbc.edu
  • For a facility emergency during office hours call the FXIT line, 410-455-3948.
  • For a facility emergency after hours call your community desk and staff will contact the Maintenance Assistant (MA) on duty.

Notice: By submitting a Work Order Request, I am authorizing university personnel, custodial service personnel or contracted campus vendors (pest control, etc,) to enter my room, suite or apartment to make the repairs requested. I understand, I need to be prepared for repair staff to enter my space by being fully clothed, remove any valuables or cash from plain view and to the extent possible, provide access to the area needing repair. For questions about the status of a request call 410-455-3948.

To submit a work order in Walker Avenue contact the Walker management office, 443-612-7541.

Information Needed to Submit a Work Order Request

Name, phone number, room number, UMBC email address and a detailed description. You will be assigned a “Work Order Number”. This number is EXTREMELY important. Please keep it until you are sure that your request has been fixed.

  • All staff entering your room should be able to show University identification. For your security please request to see this before allowing anyone you do not know into your room.
  • Depending on the severity and complexity of your request, staff will refer it to either a student MA, a member of UMBC’s Facilities Management staff or an outside contractor.

Submit work requests for all maintenance items to FXIT:

  • No AC/heat
  • No hot water
  • No electricity
  • No lights or some lights out
  • Plumbing issues/leaks
  • Key/Door lock issues
  • Pest control
  • Laundry machine problems
  • Window blinds
  • Broken/cracked window glass/mirror
  • Broken furniture
  • Beeping smoke detectors

Emergencies and priority items will be addressed with 1-2 hours.

Allow an average of three to five business days for completion of non-emergency items contingent upon the severity of the issue or problem. This list is not exhaustive.
Work affecting your ability to reside in your room/apartment will be given priority.

After Hour Emergencies
MAs are on duty seven nights a week in order to respond quickly to emergencies. Call your community desk and staff will contact the MA on duty for you.

Some emergencies include:

  • Broken Window
  • Flood or large leaks
  • HVAC Problems (No Heat, No Air Conditioning)
  • Lock Problems
  • Loss of electricity
  • Only light source out

Contact DoIT (Department of Information Technology) for repairs to 410-455-3838 or www.umbc.edu/oit

  • Telephone
  • Cable TV
  • Internet

Your UMBC Campus ID is also your room key.

When leaving your room you should lock the door and keep your UMBC campus ID with you at all times. If you get locked out of your room go to your community desk to get a temporary  card.  If you lose your key or ID, except in Walker Avenue, report this to the community desk immediately. Walker residents need to report a lost key to the Walker management office. Your key or ID is for your use only and you should not lend your key or ID to others.

If you lose your  UMBC campus ID—which is also your room key—you’ll need to go to the Campus Card office first to get a replacement card.  You’ll then need to bring your UMBC campus ID to the Residential Life office to have it re-programmed. If Campus Card is closed, you can be issued a temporary card from the community desk.

All residents, except those living in Walker Avenue, are given a resident ID sticker. This sticker must be shown to the desk staff upon entry.

Residential Life values the creation of a safe environment in every residential community. Residential Life conducts visual health and safety checks in residential rooms intermittently throughout the semester to increase safety within our residential buildings by timely identification and removal of prohibited items. These checks also allow our staff an opportunity to educate residents through positive, personal contact.

The Residential Life facilities staff, in collaboration with UMBC Police and UMBC Health and Environmental Safety, routinely inspects all fire detection systems in the residential facilities.

Residents are not expected to be present during the inspection, but if they would like to be they should contact their resident assistant to schedule a time.

If concerns or issues are found in their room, they will receive notification via email.

Students may appeal checkout charges and/or fees. The appeal window is typically two (2) weeks. Please keep in mind that submission of an appeal does not guarantee charges will removed.

Students who would like to appeal check-out related housing charges should complete the UMBC Residential Damage Appeal Form. Students who submit a formal appeal should receive a response from Residential Life two (2) weeks after the appeal deadline date.

Community Desk Services

Residential students are welcome to have mail and standard packages delivered directly to their residential community. All residents are assigned a mailbox and combination that they will share with their roommate(s). If residents have misplaced their combination they can ask their Community Desk for assistance.

Addressing Mail & Packages

Mail should be addressed like the example below to avoid delays or loss:

Your Name
Community Desk
[Hall/Apartment Community Name] [Room/Apartment # Number]
UMBC, 1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, Maryland 21250

John Smith
Apartment Community Center Desk
ELK 23_A
UMBC, 1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, Maryland 21250

Mail and packages that are not addressed for a current residential student and/or a residential facility may be refused by staff at Campus Card & Mail Services, Central Receiving, or Residential Life community desks.

Please encourage people who send letters or packages to have them registered, certified, and/or insured. “C.O.D” letters or packages are not accepted at the desks.

Mail & Package Distribution

Flat Mail

  • USPS flat mail is processed by Campus Card & Mail Services and delivered to the residential communities Monday through Friday during normal business hours.
  • Flat mail will be placed in the student’s mailbox upon receipt.
  • At the end of each term students are expected to empty their mailbox. Unclaimed first-class flat mail will be forwarded or returned to the sender. Unclaimed bulk and third-class mail will be discarded.


  • USPS packages are processed by Campus Card & Mail Services and delivered to the residential communities Monday through Friday during normal business hours.
  • Third-party carriers, such as Amazon, UPS, and Fedex, may make deliveries to community desks daily including evenings and weekends.
  • Small packages will be placed in the student’s mailbox upon receipt.
  • Packages that are too large to fit in a resident’s mailbox are logged by residential life staff.
  • Once logged, staff will email the resident to notify them that a package is ready for pick-up at their community desk. Residents will need to present their UMBC ID and package number to claim their package.
  • Residents should not attempt to pick up a package until they receive a notification from their community desk.
  • Packages marked perishable will be held for no more than 7 days.
  • All other packages are held for 21 days. Unclaimed packages, with the exception of first-class USPS parcels, will be discarded after 21 days.
  • When ordering through Amazon, you now have the option to have your package delivered to one of the two package lockers that have been installed on campus.  They can be found at the Apartment Community Center and in the Harbor Hall Breezeway close to the basketball court off of Back Road.

Hand Delivered Items from Visitors

  • If visitors wish to hand deliver a gift or package, we ask that they make arrangements to meet their student.
  • In the event that a visitor needs to leave the package with the desk, we request that the package is sealed and labeled with the student’s full name and room number. Loose or suspicious items, and medications may be refused by desk staff due to liability.
  • The individual leaving the package must present government/state issued identification to the staff member as part of the package logging process.

Food & Personal Delivery Services 

  • Residential students who have ordered from a food or personal delivery service are expected to meet the driver outside of their residential community to accept their items.
  • Residential Life staff will not accept or hold items for personal delivery services, which include but are not limited to: Grubhub, Ubereats, Drizzly, Peapod, Walmart Delivery, etc.

Package Concerns

Commonly, students report that they have received notice from the shipper that their package has been delivered, but it is not immediately available for in-community pick up. This is most often due to misdelivery of packages by third-party carriers. For this reason, we highly encourage students to include the name of their residential community desk in the shipping address to ensure packages are directed to their communities rather than Central Receiving or another UMBC building.

When items are misdelivered by carriers, we ask for student’s patience as Campus Card & Mail Services, Central Receiving, and Residential Life staff work to redirect, deliver, and log packages appropriately. This can take up to 3 business days.

If 3 business days have passed and the resident has not received notice from their community desk that their package is available for pick up, they should:

  1. Contact the delivery company to verify where on campus they dropped the package.
  2. Visit their Community Desk to see if the package was mislogged.
  3. Contact Residential Life to determine if their package may be at Central Receiving awaiting delivery out to their community.

Sending Mail from Campus

On-campus mail may be sent without a stamp to any location on the UMBC campus from the community desks or from the mailroom on the ground floor of the University Center. Simply mark your envelope “campus mail” and drop it off.

Outgoing mail to off-campus locations requires adequate postage and can be left at the community desk for daily pick-up, Monday through Friday, or dropped into any U.S. mail box.


Residential students are permitted to have guests.  Guests are defined as any person who is not a licensed resident of the room and building in which they are visiting. Visiting the residence halls as a guest is not a right but a privilege granted by the host, roommate(s), and Residential Life.

All guests in Chesapeake, Erickson, Patapsco, Potomac, and Susquehanna must be appropriately checked in at the community desk. A residential student host must sign in and accompany all guests at all times.

All guests must present photo identification in order to be signed in with their residential host.

Minors, defined as non-student guests under the age of 16, require greater supervision and guidance than an adult guest. Therefore, resident students who host minors as visitors 10 or overnight guests take on a special and extra responsibility. No guests under 16 years of age may stay overnight in residential communities without prior written permission from a parent or guardian and prior approval from a Residential Life professional staff member by emailing a written request to the Community Director.

Full the full guest policy, please review the current version of the Residential Life Rights and Responsibilities.

As service to the residents in a given community, certain supplies and equipment are available at their community desk.  Residents requesting items from the desk will need to present their UMBC ID.

The following items are available for students to request:

  • Toilet Paper (limit 2 rolls per request)
  • Vacuums
  • Board Games
  • Sports Equipment
  • Moving Carts
  • Plungers (must be cleaned by the resident before returning)
  • Brooms