New Undergraduate Students

Upcoming Webinars for New Students

  • April 24, 2025 at 7 p.m.– Apply to Be a Residential Retriever Webinar
    • Newly admitted students and their families are invited to attend this webinar as an opportunity to learn about on-campus housing and the application process before the May 1 deadline. This session is highly encouraged, especially for those who were unable to attend Admitted Students Day.  Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage with Residential Life staff.
  • June 4, 2025 at Noon– New Residential Retrievers Webinar: On-Campus Housing Next Steps
    • Learn more about the roommate and room assignment process and what to consider as you plan to start living on-campus this fall. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage with Residential Life staff.
  • July 30, 2025 at Noon– New Residential Retrievers Webinar: Move-In Day
    • Learn what you can expect on Move-In Day and what to do as you prepare to make UMBC your home away from home. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage with Residential Life staff.

Congratulations and welcome to UMBC! Below, you will find information on the steps you need to complete in order to successfully apply for on campus housing. Be sure to review the information below so that you are fully prepared when you arrive at UMBC.

If you are a current UMBC student please visit our currently enrolled UMBC student page for information about housing deadlines.

First-Year Communities

Most students begin their experience living on campus in one of our residence hall communities, while students who apply to and are accepted to one of our Living-Learning Communities may be assigned to a suite-style community.

First-year students typically live in shared (double/triple) bedrooms. Single room options in our halls and suites are very limited. Single rooms are prioritized for those with approved medical accommodations and upperclass students. Newly admitted freshmen can expect to have at least 1 direct roommate and 2 indirect roommates.

Transfer Communities

Transfer students may have the option to live in our residence halls, suites, or apartments depending on their number of completed credits at the time of application/assignment and availability of space.

  • Students must have 30 completed credits to be eligible for Residential Life suites.
  • Students generally have 50 completed credits to be considered for Residential Life apartments.
  • Students must have 39 completed credits to be considered for Walker Avenue Apartments.

Newly Admitted Undergraduate Student Housing Application Process

This process begins before you arrive for orientation and continues until you receive your confirmation email with your room assignment, your roommates, and their contact information as well as information about move-in day.

The housing application is the first step for all students interested in living on campus. Students are encouraged to review our communities and the housing options before submitting the application.

To access the application, students should log into the housing portal using their myUMBC username and password. Be sure to upgrade your UMBC account first before attempting to access the housing portal. The application assists in the assignment, roommate matching, and waitlist process, so students should make sure they complete this application honestly and accurately.

Apply on the Housing Portal

Priority Housing Application Deadline for Newly Admitted Undergraduate Students Enrolling for Fall

Newly admitted summer & fall undergraduate students who submit their Residential Life housing application, license and reservation fee by June 1 are guaranteed UMBC Residential Life housing (not Walker Avenue Apartments). It is important to note that the housing license is for the full academic year (fall & spring semesters).

Students who miss their priority deadline will not be guaranteed housing, but will be added to the housing waitlist, and will be issued the License and Reservation Fee form as space permits.

Eligible transfer students who are only interested in Walker Avenue Apartments should complete the Housing Application and indicate preference for Walker Avenue and should not complete the Residential Life License or Reservation Fee. Please contact our office prior to the deadline to ensure that your application is referred to Walker Avenue Apartments. 

Deadlines for Fall 2025 Admits
Application & Licenses Available February 1, 2025
Priority Deadline for Guaranteed Housing May 1, 2025
Deadline to apply for a Living-Learning Community May 1, 2025
Roommate Request May 28-June 15, 2025
Roommate & Room Assignment Information Available July 15, 2025 at 5PM
New Student Move-In August 23, 2025

The General Housing Interest (Waitlist) Application will be made available on May 2, 2025 for new students and those who missed the priority deadline.

Priority Housing Application Deadline for Newly Admitted Undergraduate Students Enrolling for Spring

Newly admitted winter & spring undergraduate students who submit their Residential Life housing application, license and reservation fee by December 15 are guaranteed UMBC Residential Life housing (not Walker Avenue Apartments). It is important to note that the housing license is for the spring semester only.

Students who miss their priority deadline will not be guaranteed housing, but will be added to the housing waitlist, and will be issued the License and Reservation Fee form as space permits.

Eligible transfer students who are only interested in Walker Avenue Apartments should complete the Housing Application and indicate preference for Walker Avenue and should not complete the Residential Life License or Reservation Fee. Please contact our office prior to the deadline to ensure that your application is referred to Walker Avenue Apartments. 

Priority Deadlines for Spring 2026 Admits
Housing Application Available October 1, 2025
Housing Application Priority Deadline December 15, 2025
Roommate & Room Assignment Information Available January 15, 2026
Spring Semester Move-In TBD

Roommate & Room Assignments

Incoming undergraduate students are assigned to housing by Residential Life staff. Students that apply for and are selected to live in a Living-Learning Community (LLC) are assigned by the LLC Coordinator.

Housing Assignments are made utilizing the students housing application preferences and eligibility criteria While we try to honor students’ preference we cannot guarantee that a student will be assigned to a specific building or room.

Within our co-ed communities, students are assigned to rooms, suites and/or apartments with roommates of the same biological sex, unless the student has expressed interest in Gender Inclusive Housing.

Incoming undergraduate students can request one (1) or three (3) preferred roommates who is also an incoming undergraduate student.  Students who form a group of 3, rather than a group of 2 or 4, will only be assigned together in our triple bedroom room types as space permits.

Students will receive specific instructions for requesting a roommate in the housing portal.  The period for newly admitted students to request a specific roommate is mid-May until June 15 at 11:59 p.m.  Due to our various housing application cycles, first-year students cannot request to live with a current UMBC student(s).

Students who do not request a specific roommate will be assigned one by the Residential Life Staff.  Roommate assignments are made using information provided in the interest housing application.

Newly admitted students should expect to receive their assignment and roommate information in mid-July or mid-January via their UMBC email.

Housing Cancellation

Students who no longer wish to attend UMBC or live on campus must complete the Cancellation Request form on the Housing Portal prior to Move-In. Please be sure to review information about fees associated with canceling your housing (

Students who wish to cancel their housing after Move-In must submit a formal petition for release from the license.

Frequently Asked Questions

For more information about and frequently asked questions regarding the housing application, reservation fees, assignments, and waitlist can be found at

Most newly admitted first-year students will live in our residence halls, unless they are accepted into a Living Learning Community that is housed in a suite community.

Transfer students may have the option to live in our residence halls, suites, or apartments  depending on their number of completed credits at the time of application/assignment and availability of space.

Yes.  All of our communities and floors are co-ed.  Whereas, bedrooms, suites, and apartments are same-sex.  Student interested in living in a Gender Inclusive bedroom, suite or apartment should indicate interest on their housing application.

Residents are responsible for the cleanliness of individual rooms, suite common rooms,  bathrooms and kitchens in apartments. Health and safety inspections occur twice a semester.  UMBC housekeeping staff are responsible for study lounges, residence hall lobbies, community bathrooms, laundry rooms, hallways and stairwells.  Concerns regarding housekeeping issues should be directed to Residential Life Facilities at 410-455-3948.

We encourage students to review the Packing List for a list of provided, recommended items to bring, and prohibited items.

Guests are permitted. Learn more about guest policies.

New students are unable to specify a particular building on their application, but may be able to specify a preference for style of housing and communities.

Due to camps, conferences, and summer programs we are unable to allow students to view their specific room. We encourage students to reach out to Admissions about opportunities to join a Black & Gold tour, or to view images and floor plans at

Due to the high demand for housing, we are unable to honor any room/roommate change requests prior to the start of the semester.  Please keep in mind that during the first two (2) weeks of each semester, room changes are not permitted.  Room Freezes allow Residential Life to “take attendance,” move any students out of their temporary assignments, and place students on the waitlist.